Page 4084 - Week 15 - Thursday, 17 December 1992

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Recommendation 6 is:

The Government undertake a feasibility study of the viability and acceptability of introducing a scheme that would enable aged persons to rent or purchase mobile homes from the Government.

Madam Speaker, apparently this option works very well in Victoria. It is another option which could be available to elderly people and which could meet their accommodation needs, especially in the shorter term in the ACT, and it is one that I think warrants careful consideration and investigation by the Government.

Recommendation 7 is:

The Government bring all possible pressure to bear on the Commonwealth with a view to ensuring that the number of nursing home beds required in the ACT is calculated on a basis that recognises the ACT's unique needs.

The committee heard that evidence exists which suggests that the ACT is not having its needs met by the Commonwealth. This is unsatisfactory. The ACT is being seen by some individuals - I think committee members came to this conclusion - as being discriminated against, and we can do better in terms of our nursing home beds allocation from the Commonwealth.

Recommendation 8 is:

The Government proceed with the relocation of Jindalee to a more suitable site or sites as a matter of priority.

This is a recommendation that has been talked of previously. If the Government does decide to pursue the relocation of Jindalee, it will enable the needs of existing residents to be better met through increased standards of accommodation and service provision, and possibly better access by relatives and friends if more than one site is chosen for the relocation.

Recommendation 9 states:

The Government give consideration to a purpose built facility to cater for younger people with disabilities.

Madam Speaker, it is unacceptable that younger people with disabilities are being accommodated inappropriately to their needs in nursing home beds which are actually better suited to aged people than they are to younger people with disabilities.

Recommendation 12 is:

The ACT Government negotiate with the Commonwealth with a view to the funding arrangements for HACC being made realistic, including the deletion of the absolute requirement that the main grant of funds be matched on a dollar for dollar basis.

The origins of the home and community care program are based on more resources being allocated for community based care and less for hospital and nursing home care. Madam Speaker, it would seem to the committee that HACC funding arrangements for the ACT need urgent review.

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