Page 4069 - Week 15 - Thursday, 17 December 1992

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I agree entirely with the Minister's proposition that we have to increase the density of the population in the areas that have already been developed. If we have to go through this fight every time we want to achieve that objective of increasing the population density and making the existing infrastructure and facilities available to others, it is going to be very difficult, and I do not envy the Minister who has to contend with it from time to time.

As a member of the Planning Committee, as a member of this Assembly, as a member of this community, I believe that the proposal to build further residential properties on the outskirts of West Belconnen is a longstanding matter. It has been well aired; it has been well debated. The matters are clearly understood. The committee has given the variation adequate, proper, comprehensive consideration. I reject any proposition that we have not. I see no reason to further delay what in fact should have begun already. I think we are already running too late in providing additional residential accommodation in West Belconnen, and I cannot in conscience support a proposition that will further delay that; so I will not support Ms Szuty's disallowance motion.

MR MOORE (11.12): In rising to speak to this motion, Madam Speaker, I would like to start by commenting on a number of the sensible things that Trevor Kaine had to say about the committee process. One person voting against a committee decision does not in any way invalidate that committee decision. That is correct and, of course, it is Ms Szuty's prerogative in this case to dissent from the outcome of that committee process. It is not only her right but also her responsibility. In this situation, where she still has an opportunity to change something that she considers inappropriate, it is her responsibility to draw the matter to the attention of this Assembly, whose members could of course overrule the committee if it so chose. The tone of the debate today suggests that that is unlikely to happen. Nevertheless, it is important that Ms Szuty raise in the Assembly the issues that arise from the development of West Belconnen. She has done that particularly well.

Of particular interest are the environmental concerns. The Minister recognised these environmental concerns himself when he suggested that the development area ought not to have wood-burning fires. Although natural gas heaters will have far less impact than wood-burning fires, what temperature inversion effect will they create? Do we know? That certainly has to be raised when we consider how to deal with the temperature inversion that is likely to occur with increasing motor car emissions. It is part of the same issue. Madam Speaker, I recognise that in a city we cannot go for a 100 per cent perfect environment such as you would find in the middle of the mountains. It would be inappropriate for us to try to do that, and compromises must be made.

There is one point that I would like to take up. Mr Kaine implied - and it has been said before in this Assembly, I think, if I recall correctly, by Mr Lamont - that it is Ms Szuty's intention to object to everything and - - -

Mr Kaine: I did not say that, nor did I imply it.

Mr Lamont: And neither did I.

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