Page 4066 - Week 15 - Thursday, 17 December 1992

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Madam Speaker, it is suggested that people will move into West Belconnen for the semirural atmosphere. I quote page 104:

A value is also placed on the visual qualities of the area and the contribution these qualities make to the aesthetic and recreation benefits of living in the area. The trade-off that many West Belconnen residents have made, choosing the lifestyle benefits that derive from their proximity to rural land over equitable access to town centre facilities and Lake Ginninderra, is placed in jeopardy by the development proposal.

If these were the things given up by the residents of Macgregor, Charnwood and other suburbs with rural access, how much more inequitable is the access to the Belconnen Town Centre for residents who will now be asked to live even further out? And all this is predicated on the capacity of Belconnen facilities and infrastructure to absorb the residents from an additional 3,000 dwellings. Also, until the future of the equestrian facilities is finalised, new residents will not be gambling that they will end up somewhere near their homes. And what have people currently living in Macgregor and Charnwood to look forward to? Loss of views and access to equestrian facilities, increased traffic, increased numbers of children in their schools and possibly increased pollution.

Madam Speaker, I wish to turn now to consideration of the climatic factors and the recommendations of the environmental impact statement for the solar orientation of dwellings. The stated objective is that 90 per cent of dwellings have solar orientation. The proposed development will occur in what is a known frost hollow, with air current problems and real potential for pollution. The only applicable energy efficiency measure outlined can easily be overridden by other considerations.

In the variation tabled by the Minister last week, solar orientation is mentioned, but well after considerations such as "strong urban statements", "pleasant attractive streetscapes", "adopt land use arrangements and built form development controls which are cost effective and represent sound returns to the Territory on all land that is leased", "a network of streets that is cost effective in servicing land use and which achieve a high level of amenity". (Extension of time granted) The last criterion for local roads is "Encourage a street layout to allow optimum solar orientation of built form". "Encourage" - not exactly a firm statement of intent to maximise energy efficiency, and this from a government that prides itself about energy efficient housing in Gungahlin.

Madam Speaker, the development as proposed should not be supported at this time by members of this Assembly. The process has been flawed and, in my view, has failed to take note of the major cost implications of development in the areas designated B and C in West Belconnen. I would like members to note that I have not objected to many development proposals since my election to the ACT Legislative Assembly. I have emphasised fairness of process and have suggested that the planning process needs to be more community user friendly, open, accountable and in the best interests of all concerned.

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