Page 3937 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 15 December 1992

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(4) All patients within the Hospital or who are referred to the Intensive Care

Unit have been assessed by the Intensive Care Specialists. There have

been times when the intensive Care Specialist has decided that patients

industry refereed for admission to Intensive Care do not require it

immediately. These patients can be supported with High Dependency

Care within the ward situation, and therefore have not been admitted to

Intensive Care.

At times of high occupancy it has been necessary to delay arranged surgical ICU bed admissions. In addition, these have been several occasions where NSW outer-lying hospital admissions to Woden Valley Hospital have been deferred to Sydney hospitals. This also at times occurs without the knowledge of the Intensive Care Staff, so it is impossible w know ante numbers of these deferments.

A few patients have been transferred to Sydney hospitals because they have other injuries that cannot be adequately managed within the facility at Woden Valley Hospital Such cases are patients with spinal injuries.

(5) At the end of the roster period to 9 September 1992, the current nursing

staff number working in the Intensive Care Unit at Woden Valley

Hospital was 71.39 FIE (full time equivalent staff).

(6) The overtime bill for staff working in Intensive Care over the last six

months is as follows:


March 1992 $2 927 $14 200*

April 1992 NIL $21900*#

May 1992 $7 544 $16 200*

June 1992 $12 467 $14 660*

July 1992 $1277 $14 819

August 1992 $7 814 $18 618#

* Estimate: During 1991/92 Registrars/RMOs were not charged

to their work areas. There are no accurate figures for the

intensive Care Unit. The estimate is based on a percentage of

total overtime.

# 3 pay periods in these months


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