Page 3931 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 15 December 1992

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inspect their homes once a year just to ensure that things are safe. I have here a list of things that probably could happen around a home. I can assure you that I am going to be doing that. I think that with a little bit of education, a bit of good advice, there will not be a problem. There will not be any further problem emerge, because the matter will be well and truly controlled.

To sum up, I do not think we are walking into a problem here. I think the health problems are sufficiently significant for us to take action. The action is, I believe, fairly modest, and in all the circumstances it is appropriate.

Question resolved in the affirmative.


Motion (by Mr Berry) agreed to:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Assembly adjourned at 10.15 pm

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