Page 3870 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 15 December 1992

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horse racing and dogs - are to the ACT economy, all of a sudden make up its mind to do something without consulting anyone?". Not one person who has anything to do with the ACT Racing Club, the Canberra Harness Racing Club or the Canberra Greyhound Racing Club knows anything about the intentions of this Government. We go a step further. Not only do they not know anything about it; they disagree with and disapprove of what the Government intends to do.

Mr Berry stood up and he waxed lyrical on a couple of reasons why he thought that changes needed to be made. He said:

I believe that the current legislative framework limits the Government's ability to exercise a more positive role in ACTTAB's operations.

He did not say how. He just suggested that out of thin air. Mr Berry suggested that ACTTAB Ltd might be converted back to an operation of a statutory authority. The reasons that Mr Berry gave apparently were that it would give the Government more control of the board's direction, it would improve the reporting to the Government, it would overcome the impression that the board may have been captured by industry interests, and it would provide a structure used by TABs elsewhere in Australia.

None of these reasons, I suggest, Mr Deputy Speaker, withstand scrutiny. The Government has complete control over the appointment of board members of ACTTAB Ltd right now. Right this minute it is the Government that appoints the board members. Mr Berry really strengthened that resolve by not reappointing two board members over the weekend. So, for Mr Berry to come in here and say that he has no control or limited control over ACTTAB is utter nonsense. It is not true. If the Government feels that the board is not conforming to its wishes, which is what Mr Berry is wanting to say, or that it has been captured by industry interests, he has but to replace the whole board, or certain members of the board. This can be achieved, Mr Deputy Speaker, without any change to the company structure or to the legislation. Alternatively, Mr Deputy Speaker, if the Government felt that the board was not conforming to its wishes, it has but to issue a direction.

I am advised, Mr Deputy Speaker, that one direction has been issued so far - just one - and ironically that direction to the board was to consult with the Government on industrial issues. It was nothing about revenue, or the amount of money coming in or going out. The only time that the Government issued this board with any direction whatsoever was to consult with it on industrial issues. On the other hand, Mr Berry now stands up in this house - first of all, it appeared on the front page of the newspaper - and tells that same board that he is going to change its structure. Mr Berry does not do any consultation. He expects everybody else to consult with him, but he has to change everything without one iota of consultation. It makes one wonder, Mr Deputy Speaker, whether Mr Berry has any reasons at all for making changes, or whether an orgy of ideology has suddenly struck him. He has not done something that is on the Labor Party platform.

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