Page 3822 - Week 14 - Thursday, 10 December 1992

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MR BERRY: We have seen what benevolent dictators the Liberals are. Just look at Victoria. Thousands upon thousands have lost thousands upon thousands of dollars. That is what has happened in Victoria. The Liberals have set out to make sure that more workers are affected as they drag down wages and conditions and living standards across the country.

We have made no secret of our position in relation to this. The Liberals are setting out to create a cloud of dust to try to hide from people their real intentions, their hidden agenda. See the back-flips on the "frightpack". See Mr Howard changing daily on his industrial relations policy to try to change the emphasis and to hide what it really means. Who knows what will happen between now and the next election? Most importantly, if they were to win, what would happen after? That is what most Australians are concerned about. They are concerned about what would happen after the next election. So, they will not get elected.

The Labor Government understands the pain that workers have gone through and the struggle that union leaders and unionists have carried on to obtain better conditions. The labour movement will not betray the people who fought hard during the last 100 years or so to obtain one of the best industrial relations systems in the world, an industrial relations system which is the envy of many throughout the world. There is no question about that. As I mentioned, the 100,000 men and women who marched on that day of action sent a message to the conservatives, a message that will ring loud and clear across Australia.

Mr De Domenico: So, it was a strike. It was a lunchtime rally before.

MR BERRY: I heard Mrs Carnell say that they were on strike and I heard Mr De Domenico interject that it was a lunchtime rally. The Liberals do not know what they are doing. The fact of the matter is that people chose to take industrial action in relation to that. That is their right and it is their right to lose money for that industrial action because they feel so concerned.

Mr De Domenico: So, you support it, do you?

MR BERRY: I will not deny the right of workers to take industrial action. You would. If you adopt the Kennett model you would have them in gaol alongside other criminals. That is what you people would support. You would adopt the Kennett model.

Mr De Domenico: I did not say that. That is not true. Have you heard what I said?

MR BERRY: Nobody listens to what you say.

Mr De Domenico: Like hell!

MR BERRY: Who is listening? Not one.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Mr De Domenico, you will have your chance to speak shortly.

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