Page 3781 - Week 14 - Thursday, 10 December 1992

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Noting also the pending change in our electoral situation in the ACT, it would have been very easy for some of us to be plugging various asks in various areas of Canberra.

Mr Connolly: Tuggeranong almost had the numbers. It did, really.

MR DE DOMENICO: In fact we did, Mr Connolly; but that is another story. Notwithstanding the fact that one might have had the numbers from time to time, the sensible thing was done and we suggested the creation of the $2.7m trust fund. That is equitable, as Mr Kaine quite eloquently said, in that the smaller groups are not having to be competing at the same time with the bigger groups. I think someone else has said that the community out there expected some sort of monument, for want of a better word, somewhere. Let me strongly put forward my personal view that that area should be around the North Building and the South Building and the Civic Centre area. We are already spending, or are about to spend, some $12m, I believe, to update the South Building to house us as the Legislative Assembly, and also to provide community facilities there. If we are spending that sort of money, and considering the infrastructure that is already there, it would be nonsensical for any government not to consider strongly making sure that that area is the focus.

Mr Kaine, Ms Ellis and the people who spoke before me also mentioned the decision about the Aboriginal keeping place. As someone who has been known to have certain views from time to time about various aspects, including the Aboriginal situation in this country, can I say that the professionalism of the submissions made by Jirra Moore and Matilda House was the thing that sold the committee on making sure that that was the first recommendation. The professionalism of that submission, the way it was presented and the case that they put forward to the committee were decisive.

Like Mr Kaine, I expressed concern at the fact that we needed to spend $1.5m out of this particular allocation for the upkeep of Natex. There is no doubt that Natex needs to be upgraded because it is a wonderful community facility that brings in a lot more money to the economy of the ACT. But once again it is a pity that that sort of thing cannot be done from the normal public works budget. I also reiterate the comments made by the chairman. The thing that I learn from sitting on these committees is the bipartisan way in which sensible people can sit around a table and make sure that the right decisions are brought forward. It is now up to the Government to do what it needs to do, daunting as it is.

Mr Lamont: We have done the work, Tony.

MR DE DOMENICO: Yes, we have done the work, Mr Lamont; but I think the decisions need to be ratified now. I close by saying how strongly I feel, and I am sure the rest of my committee members feel, about the fact that the North Building, South Building, Civic area needs to be looked at to make sure that we can come up with a magnificent centre not only for the people of the ACT but also for people from within the region and the visitors that come to Canberra.

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