Page 3776 - Week 14 - Thursday, 10 December 1992

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We also recommend that:

the Government vary its land use policies in the Childers Street/Kingsley Street area to promote a mix of cultural and commercial activities, perhaps along the lines of encouraging the provision of cultural facilities on the ground and first floor of new developments while allowing commercial activity on all other floors. Also, the Committee recommends the Government consider locating in the Childers Street vicinity those cultural/community facilities that require a city-based location.

Madam Speaker, we also recommend that:

$250,000 of the casino premium be allocated to equip the new community theatre on the corner of University Avenue and Childers Street, City.

Madam Speaker, in respect of the two largest recommendations, we recommend that:

$5m of the casino premium be allocated to upgrading the Playhouse Theatre to a 600-650 seat theatre and partial upgrade of the Link; and $7m be devoted to providing a cultural and heritage facility in the city centre, to be located either in the North Building of Civic Square or in the Childers Street/Kingsley Street area. The Committee's preferred location is North Building as this complements the civic nature of the area occasioned by the move of the Legislative Assembly to South Building in 1994. In relation to facilities in the new centre, the Committee considers it should house the type of activities noted in paragraph 3.42.

Finally, Madam Speaker, we recommend that:

the Government facilitate the provision of space in the Kingston Foreshores area for visual and community performing artists, it being recognised that such space is provided on an interim basis pending the finalisation of plans for the whole Foreshores area.

Madam Speaker, I think you would appreciate that the breadth of the recommendations is significant. The committee has taken into account all of the submissions that were received in time and were able to be considered by the committee. The most significant in terms of allocation of funds in what we are proposing is a total of $12m for the upgrade of the Playhouse and the establishment of a cultural precinct. The committee's preferred view, a strongly held preferred view, is that that area be the North Building; but we acknowledge that that is a decision for the Government, taking into account its current needs for that building. We do believe that if it is able to be located in the North Building it will provide an adequate and proper focus to the options and operation of the city centre.

Madam Speaker, I congratulate and extend my great appreciation to the members of the committee - Ms Szuty, Ms Ellis, Mr Kaine and Mr De Domenico - for the way in which they, along with me and the staff of the secretariat, were able to proceed through a very complex set of submissions and come up with what I regard as a well-rounded, well-thought-out set of recommendations for the Government to consider. I commend this report to the Assembly.

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