Page 3763 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 9 December 1992

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ACT Environment and Conservation Consultative Committee

1. Present Members

Professor P Cullen Chairperson 1/10/92 to 30/9/95

Ms D Robin 1/10/92 to 30/9/95

Ms C Purdon 1110/92 to 30/9/95

Mr B Lawrence 1 /10/92 to 30/9/95

Dr D Smiles 1/10/92 to 30/9/95

Mr P Buckmaster 1/10/92 to 30/9/95

Ms F Brand 1/10/92 to 30/9/95

Mr R Falconer 1 /10/92 to 30/9/95

Ms J Rees 1/1 O/92 to 3019/95

Mr f Fraser 1110/92 to 30/9/95

Ms A Taylor 1 /10/92 to 30/9/95

Ms M House 1/10/92 to 30/9/95

2. Terms of Reference

(1) to advise the Minister responsible for Environment and Conservation on issues relating to the environment and its protection, park management, nature conservation, urban open space management and outdoor recreation in the ACT. In particular, the Committee provides advice in these areas on the following: preparation of management plans; development and content of legislation; development of urban open space areas; development of policies and programs; investigation, study and research requirements; community information; education and interpretation; and community participation.

(2) to provide advice to the Minister and the ACT Parks and Conservation Service on the implementation of the ACTs Decade of Landcare Plan;

(3) to provide the Minister and the Environment and Conservation Division with a point of liaison and communication with community interests in relation to park management, nature conservation, landcare, urban open space and outdoor recreation management;

(4) to act as a Territory Assessment Panel for applications made under the National Landcare Program and provides advice to the relevant Commonwealth Government Departments with respect to ACT applications for funding under this program.; and

(5) to make recommendations for funding under the ACTs Community Tree Planting Program, as part of the ACTs Consultative mechanisms established under the National Landcare Plan. 3763

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