Page 3707 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 9 December 1992

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MR LAMONT: Mr Humphries says, "Yes, that is basically right" - that I, as an MLA, have to rely on his whim to have an MPI submitted. That is an absolute outrage, Madam Speaker.

Mr Humphries: MPIs are not traditional for government members.

MR LAMONT: For Mr Humphries to interject and say that it is something that is not usually availed of by government members in parliaments is absolutely ridiculous. You need only read the House of Representatives Hansards for the last three months to see how many government backbenchers have raised MPIs.

Mr Humphries: How many?

MR LAMONT: Two that I am specifically aware of.

Mr Humphries: Two? In how many months? How many days?

MR LAMONT: We are talking about two out of how many members in the House of Representatives? You have also said, and this is where you are wrong again, Mr Humphries, but I can understand that you may be busy doing other things at the moment - - -

Mr De Domenico: With all non-executive members putting in identical MPIs?

MR LAMONT: Madam Speaker, Mr De Domenico is trying to talk about something of which he knows not, unless he has been up to something that he should not have been. How do you know?

Mr Humphries: Madam Speaker, I raise a point of order. I think you made someone on this side of the house withdraw the imputation that there had been some improper motive or some nefarious activity. Mr Lamont just said that Mr De Domenico might have been up to something he should not have been. I think that is exactly the same kind of imputation, and I would ask that it be withdrawn.

MADAM SPEAKER: I think it is a rather long bow, Mr Humphries. I have not actually heard an accusation. Mr Lamont, in the spirit of what Mr Humphries is saying, if you are going to impute an improper motive to Mr De Domenico's behaviour, would you please withdraw?

MR LAMONT: Madam Speaker, I impute no improper motive to any activity of Mr De Domenico. I would like him to tell this Assembly how he knows, if it is true, that the non-executive members of the Government have submitted identical MPIs. He just said it.

Mr Humphries: Have you?

MR LAMONT: I know what I have submitted. I also know, because you - the Opposition - have told me, how you people conduct your business. You put in identical MPIs. The six of you put up the same MPIs.

Mr Humphries: Come clean. You have done the same thing.

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