Page 3703 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 9 December 1992

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MR DE DOMENICO: As Mr Kaine correctly says, I recall, from having a look at old Hansards, that the Residents Rally did it once before. Members of the Liberal Party had not done it before.

Mr Lamont: The Alliance Government.

MR DE DOMENICO: No. Once again Mr Lamont is wrong.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr De Domenico has the floor. Could we have remarks addressed to the Chair.

MR DE DOMENICO: Thank you for your protection, Madam Speaker. In order to attempt to restore sense to the system, the Liberal Party convened a meeting with the Independents. We informed the Government Whip of our concern and suggested that he should bring up this important issue with his colleagues and return with a reaction. That was some weeks ago. I hope that Mr Moore will nod and say that that is the way things happened.

Madam Speaker, the Liberal Party believes that it should be the right of every non-executive member of any parliament to be entitled to identical opportunities to raise matters in the house. With respect, when government members misuse the spirit of the way MPIs - - -

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I think there is a very clear imputation against the Speaker because - - -

Mr Humphries: We are a bit sensitive today, aren't we?

Mr Berry: No; you just cannot impute that the Speaker has done something wrong in such a way.

MR DE DOMENICO: I am not talking about the Speaker.

Mr Berry: The imputation is clear. Members here do not decide whether their MPIs come up.

Mr Kaine: No, but the Speaker has to decide from what she has before her.

Mr Berry: I am concerned about the imputation against the Speaker when you impute - - -

MR DE DOMENICO: Madam Speaker, I withdraw any imputation that may have been misconstrued to be - - -

Mr Berry: Withdraw what you said.

MR DE DOMENICO: No; I will withdraw any imputation on the Speaker, Madam Speaker. I will not withdraw what I said.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Berry. In future could we listen to one point of order at a time, please. Continue, Mr De Domenico.

MR DE DOMENICO: Thank you, Madam Speaker. As I attempted to say before, with respect, Madam Speaker, when non-executive government members attempt to misuse the processes of the MPI - - -

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