Page 3701 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 9 December 1992

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was sentencing a young man for raping a 12-year-old girl said that his actions had been influenced by pornographic literature. Dr E. Fisher, senior psychiatrist of Long Bay Gaol, said that the reading of pornographic literature could have emotionally precipitated the defendant's course of behaviour. Another psychiatrist, Dr I.A. Listwan, is quoted as saying that pornographic literature was the triggering factor in the rape.

I could stand here for the rest of the day or the rest of the week and read case history after case history where pornography has been shown to cause rape and violence. The Chief Minister, Rosemary Follett, has a smile on her face, and one wonders why that is. What is funny about women being degraded and raped, Ms Follett?

Mrs Grassby: I take a point of order, Madam Speaker. The yelling from Mr Stevenson in this house is incredible. We can all hear and we do not need to be yelled at.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mrs Grassby. Mr Stevenson, please - - -

Ms Follett: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. Mr Stevenson has made an improper imputation towards me in the course of this debate, and I ask that he withdraw it.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, I would ask you to withdraw that improper imputation towards Ms Follett, and remember to keep your voice a bit lower, please.

MR STEVENSON: Which improper imputation is that? I made no improper imputation.

MADAM SPEAKER: Is that a withdrawal?

MR STEVENSON: No; I made no improper imputation.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, rather than prolong this unpleasant quarrel right now, I will examine Hansard. I warn you that we will re-examine the matter.

MR STEVENSON: Indeed, Madam Speaker. Ms Szuty talked about statements on confusing depictions of sensuality and sexuality. What is confusing about people defecating on others? Is that sensuality or sexuality? What is confusing about bondage and slavery? That is not confusing. Ms Szuty talked about Dr Judith Reisman and said that she was not convinced. Perhaps if she had taken the opportunity to hear Dr Reisman talk at the National Press Club, instead of going to watch the Prime Minister's XI cricket match, she may have learned something different.

Madam Speaker, pornography degrades; pornography causes violence. There is no doubt that in the ACT X-rated videos will be banned. It is simply a matter of time. The debate has been won on the fact that it causes violence and it degrades women. It is simply a matter for members of this legislature to do what every other State in Australia has done. It would be about time too. Madam Speaker, I commend the Bill to the Assembly. If the members of the ALP voted according to how we have been told their consciences would dictate, as Mr Kaine said earlier, the videos would be banned.

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