Page 3695 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 9 December 1992

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I would urge all those who expend so much energy in trying to eradicate X-rated videos to channel that energy into more open discussion on the topic of sex and exhaust any leftover enthusiasm in the effort to reduce the amount of gratuitous violence that is still evident in ordinary PGR and M- and R-rated films. It is in the public arena that the most harm is being done, with much of the material that is cited as being harmful to women actually being in general distribution.

MR DE DOMENICO (11.42): Madam Speaker, I was not going to speak on this topic and I will be very brief. Ms Szuty, who just finished speaking, quoted various statutory definitions, overseas psychologists and all sorts of things. On the one hand, people on the other side of the house, especially those of the female sex, wax lyrical that they are concerned about the way that women are treated as sexual objects and how wrong that is.

Mr Connolly: The men over here share those views.

Mr Kaine: Well, why don't you do something about it?

MR DE DOMENICO: Thank you, Mr Kaine. Thank you for the interjection, Mr Connolly. I agree with all the people on the other side of the house and this side of the house that have that view. As Mr Kaine quite rightly said, Madam Speaker, after Mr Connolly interjected, why do you not do something about it? You are in government, Mr Connolly; you are the Attorney-General. Ban X-rated videos.

Mr Connolly: That is not the answer.

Mr Moore: You should have listened to Ms Szuty's speech.

MR DE DOMENICO: I will disregard the interjection from Mr Moore.

Mr Moore: You have now recognised it.

MR DE DOMENICO: Have you finished? Madam Speaker, Mr Connolly should do something about it. He can do something about it; he is the Attorney-General. He says that in his opinion that is not the way to go about it. There are a lot of people in Mr Connolly's political party who happen to disagree with him. Mr Humphries mentioned Mr Daly. Mr Keating is another one that Mr Connolly seems to be at odds with.

Mr Moore: Yes, and Keith Wright is another one.

MR DE DOMENICO: Mr Moore mentioned Mr Wright. We all know about Mr Wright. Everybody is still waiting for Mr Wright, including a lot of the - - -

Mr Kaine: You are going to vote for him, are you, Michael?

MR DE DOMENICO: Perhaps Mr Moore might want to vote for Mr Wright, or go over and hold Mr Wright's hand, or do something with Mr Wright. Mr Wright has no jurisdiction here in the ACT. Mr Connolly has jurisdiction here in the ACT and Mr Moore can also show how righteous he is by supporting Mr Stevenson's legislation. Of course, Mr Moore will not do that, because it does not suit him to do that, Madam Speaker. This Government will not do it either because, as Mr Humphries correctly said, Madam Speaker, there was an exchange of Bugs Bunny from the X-rated video industry to the ACT ALP. There is no doubt about that.

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