Page 3689 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 9 December 1992

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can be produced and distributed all around the country. Never mind the fact that we undercut, through section 92 of the Constitution, the right of other States to ban those industries in their places. Forget all that. We are going to make the unilateral decision for all Australians that we want this industry to continue, and we are going to see that that takes place and that it continues and absolutely flourishes. That is an unacceptable point of view, Madam Speaker. I will not be a party to that and I will be supporting the Bill that Mr Stevenson has put up today.

Mr Berry: All your supporters have gone up in smoke, Dennis.

MR HUMPHRIES: We know that the money has changed hands, Mr Berry; so do not paint your position as being one of principle. We know what has happened in the situation; so let us not pretend that anything of principle has happened in this debate. Madam Speaker, access to young people is the particular concern - - -

Mr Berry: Madam Speaker, I take a point of order. Did I hear Mr Humphries say, "We know that money has changed hands"?

MR HUMPHRIES: That is right, and it has. It was reported to the Electoral Commission, remember? It was $40,000, as I recall, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: You cannot that money has changed hands between the industry and us, the Government.

MR HUMPHRIES: It has. You got $40,000.

Mr Berry: Well, there you go. I demand that that imputation be withdrawn - that there has been an exchange of money between the industry and the Government.

Mr Kaine: And the Labor Party.

MR HUMPHRIES: There has been. Between the industry and the Labor Party.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Listen very carefully to what Mr Berry is asking on his point of order. It is to do with the Government, as opposed to the party. Order! Mr Humphries, I ask you to make a clarification.

MR HUMPHRIES: Madam Speaker, I withdraw the reference to the Government taking money from the porn industry, and I will say instead that the Australian Labor Party of the Australian Capital Territory, of whom this Government is composed, took money from the porn industry. Money has changed hands, and that is the reason why this Government is taking the position that they are today.

Ms Follett: Madam Speaker, I think that Mr Humphries has only added to his imputation. To say that the reason why the Government has taken that position is that money has changed hands is precisely the imputation that must be withdrawn.

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