Page 3651 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 8 December 1992

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Recommendation 10 reads:

It is recommended that the existing policy concerning the disposal of assets (land and building) of a non-government school that is to be closed be replaced by a policy that enables such assets to be sold with proceeds being shared between the non-government authority and the Department of Education and Training and used for further educational provision.

The Australian Teachers Union opposes this recommendation, as does the Council of Parents and Citizens Associations. Council rejects this recommendation that private schools be allowed to sell land they have received free from the Territory Government and retain part of the betterment value, while the Australian Teachers Union says that it is not appropriate for private authorities to have access to the proceeds of the disposal of assets which had their origins in grants or support from the public.

Recommendation 11 concerns where non-government schools are proposed in the same area as existing or planned government schools and are seeking government financial assistance. It would be mandatory that the appropriate authorities participate in a planning exercise to determine the sharing of some school resources. The Australian Teachers Union opposes this recommendation, while the Council of P and C Associations endorses it. The council has indicated that it is willing to participate in a planned process of educational provision. The Australian Teachers Union remains opposed to the idea on the ground that sharing resources implies a lessening of resources for, and reduction in control over resources by, government schools. Some compromise is called for here. Planned educational provision of government and non-government school facilities makes economic sense. However, the sharing of resources should not be seen to disadvantage government school students in any way.

Recommendation 12 is as follows:

The proposal to establish a Non-government Schools Consultative Committee is strongly endorsed and it is recommended that its membership and functions be along the lines proposed in this Report.

The Australian Teachers Union position on this is for the advice of that consultative committee to be public, while the Council of P and C Associations' position is that it is not opposed to the recommendation. This proposal seems to be a sensible one and complements the recently established Ministerial Advisory Council on Public Schooling.

Recommendation 13 is:

When decisions have been made about the nature and extent of funding to non-government schools arising from recommendations of this Report, there should be set in place new measures both in relation to claims for funding and accounting to the Department for the expenditure of those funds.

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