Page 3641 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 8 December 1992

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MR STEVENSON: I did not hear what Mrs Grassby said, but we all know that there are many suggested amendments to this Bill. They will have an opportunity - - -

Mr Connolly: No, I have not heard of a single one. No-one has suggested an amendment.

Mrs Grassby: There is not one amendment, Dennis. You ought to check your facts before you get up to speak. You would not even know, Dennis.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mr Stevenson has the floor.

MR STEVENSON: I find it interesting that some of the members of the ALP say that there is not one amendment. I have seen many amendments.

Mr Connolly: I haven't. Show me. Table them, Dennis. You said that you have seen them.

MR STEVENSON: I will make sure that you get copies. Okay?

Mr Connolly: Where are they?

MR STEVENSON: I said that I will make sure that you get copies.

MR BERRY (Minister for Health, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Sport) (9.22): It has been interesting to sit here and listen to this debate. People have stood up, barefaced, and said that they have not had long enough to consider this matter. I have in my hand the draft Adoption Bill 1991. It says that there are 122 clauses in it. The Bill that reached the table here had nine changes to that Bill. This Bill and all of the paraphernalia that went with it, Madam Speaker, went to these people who complain about not having enough time to look at the matter; it went to these people in March. Now, Mr Stevenson, do not stand up and say that you have not had enough time. It went to you in March.

Mr Stevenson: I did not say that I had not had enough time. I talked about the community.

MR BERRY: Well, you had plenty of time. You certainly have plenty of time. Sitting up there in your luxuriously staffed office and not spending much time in the Assembly, you certainly would have had plenty of time. I wish you had spent a little bit more of that time looking at the legislation with the view to assisting with its passage through this Assembly and helping those people in the community who want access to the sorts of provisions provided herein.

Madam Speaker, this essentially boils down to a bunch of people wanting to put their scent on a piece of legislation, yet they are not prepared to put any effort into providing changes to fix the flaws that they allege are - - -

Mr Moore: That is not true. That is a lie. That is a lie.

MR BERRY: You are not, Michael Moore. You have been grandstanding on this issue all along. Let us be very clear on this issue. There has been plenty of time to consider this. There has been plenty of time to conjure up amendments, if that is what you want; but none of you have done it.

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