Page 3615 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 8 December 1992

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largest circulation. That question is being considered by the Minister and the Planning Authority. It is appropriate that that be taken into account in relation to future proposals. That provision, I might add, did not affect the question of West Belconnen. It is unfortunate that West Belconnen has become a divisive issue among members of the committee. It has become a divisive issue, I suggest, because there has been a fundamental misunderstanding of the procedures of the committee and the legislation. It now appears that Ms Szuty may have read the legislation, so that could overcome some problems.

Not so long ago I remember the chair of the Estimates Committee, when a complaint had been made about the processing of a particular report, saying, "Well, I am the chair of the committee. I have had time to read the documents and do everything else. If you haven't, well ...". That is not the attitude which the PDI Committee adopted. It is not the attitude that I, as chair of that committee, adopted. It is not an attitude that I subscribe to. The reality is that Ms Szuty came along to the PDI Committee saying that she had not read the EIS. Mr De Domenico had; Mr Kaine had; Ms Ellis had. I, as chair of the committee, had. I knew that the matter would be discussed and be determined on that day. When material is placed before members of this committee and a process is outlined, then it is incumbent upon us to make sure that we get through the work. I, along with other members of this Assembly, have burnt the midnight oil on more than one occasion to ensure that I properly brief myself before attending a committee meeting or a meeting of this Assembly.

If Ms Szuty did not avail herself of the opportunity to read the documentation to gain whatever information she wished to gain, then she should not blame the committee or say to me, "You have not given me the opportunity". She should not say to Mr Kaine, "You have not given me the proper opportunity". She should not say to Mr De Domenico, "You have not given me the proper opportunity". She should not say to Ms Ellis, "You have not given me the proper opportunity". Ms Szuty failed to read the papers.

Mr Moore: More intimidation.

MR LAMONT: That is not intimidation; it is a statement of pure and simple fact. Yes, I am emotional about the issue, Michael, because it is my integrity and the integrity of each of the other members of the committee that have been - - -

Mr Moore: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. Mr Lamont should be addressing his remarks through the Chair.

MADAM SPEAKER: Through the Chair and with proper titles, too. That is the order of the day, Mr Lamont.

MR LAMONT: As I said before, it is appropriate that I address myself on the matter to the rest of the members of the Assembly and to you, Madam Speaker, because nothing I say will influence Mr Moore in relation to this matter. What we have here, Madam Speaker, is a very simple position. Ms Szuty expected the workings of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee and the Government to be held up because she had not read the documents. That is not a position that any member of any other committee would be allowed to take and get away with. That is the simple fact that I hope each member of this Assembly bears in mind later in these sittings when Ms Szuty moves for disallowance of the variation in relation to West Belconnen. I commend the motion to the Assembly.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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