Page 3613 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 8 December 1992

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If I think that I ought to object, in spite of intimidation, in spite of the bullying tactics of Mr Lamont - in spite of all that stuff - I will. Let me give an example. Madam Speaker, you heard the tone; you heard the language. Mr Lamont finished up by saying, "If Mr Moore continues, we are going to have to censure him". One cannot help wondering what Ms Szuty has been subjected to by the intimidating bully boy, Mr Lamont.

Mr Berry: I think there is a fairly serious imputation there, and it ought to be withdrawn. You just cannot say those sorts of things.

MADAM SPEAKER: I ask you to withdraw that, Mr Moore.

MR MOORE: Certainly, Madam Speaker. I withdraw unreservedly. Madam Speaker, what is very clear, though, and what we saw in this house is the type of intimidation that Mr Lamont is capable of. Union bully tactics that might be very appropriate within the TWU or within Labor Party factions are entirely inappropriate in a public forum and are entirely inappropriate here. We should be debating this motion in the way Mr Kaine did - logically and rationally.

I think it is appropriate, Madam Speaker, to still ask the question to which we have never had an answer. Why, after such a short time since the environmental impact statement on West Belconnen was released - and that is the issue about which there is some difference - was it necessary for the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee to report to you on the Friday afternoon without a member having an opportunity to come up with a dissenting report? That report could have been given to you on Monday. That is still an issue.

Madam Speaker, I think it is important that people recognise that this Labor Government that talks again and again about consultation says that this West Belconnen proposal is something that we have to rush. At the same time as the environmental impact assessment - and most of us remember the size of that environmental impact assessment - was presented in this Assembly, so too was the Adoption Bill. We will debate that Bill later today, no doubt. I am talking about the consultation process. Both of these matters, it appears, need to be rushed through.

We are beginning to think that the Labor Government is starting to respond to the notion they have not been doing anything and therefore they had better get going and do something. I have not said here that the Labor Government has not been doing anything. However, there should be time for appropriate consultation to take place. No doubt we will hear further discussion on that matter in the debate on the Adoption Bill this evening.

Madam Speaker, Ms Szuty indicated that she will be moving a motion of disallowance in respect of the West Belconnen variation. I make one small comment on that in response to Mr De Domenico. He said that I had taken a particular political interest in West Belconnen. Even with his limited knowledge of what is likely to happen in the next election, when a Hare-Clark electoral system will be in place, he must know that my chances of being involved in a electorate that covers West Belconnen are absolutely minimal, just as my chances of being involved in an electorate covering Tuggeranong and the Tuggeranong Homestead are incredibly minimal. Nevertheless, I still take an interest, as I believe all members do, in issues that affect the people of Canberra generally. That is what we were elected to do and that is what I will continue to do.

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