Page 3607 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 8 December 1992

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been previously provided with. I also took a look at what the Minister said when tabling that report and then tried to assess whether the issues raised in the EIS and what the Planning Authority proposed would allow me to agree to the development proposals for areas B and C. Madam Speaker, I am convinced.

Mr Moore: A great surprise.

MR LAMONT: You may say, "Surprise, surprise". I understand that. Ms Szuty and you would not agree to any development in West Belconnen, irrespective of what was said. If the streets were paved with gold and Santa Claus turned up every Tuesday in West Belconnen, you would still object. It does not matter what issues are raised; it does not matter what issues are answered. You will object. It is your nature, Michael. Unfortunately, it appears from the way in which Ms Szuty is pursuing this issue that she may have caught your disease.

As a member of this Assembly, as a Belconnen resident and as somebody who, thankfully, received the assistance of the West Belconnen Residents Action Group in the early days of looking at areas A, A1, B, C and D, I believe, on balance, based on the information that I have before me - the EIS and the additional comments of the Planning Authority that have been put forward - that it is appropriate that this variation proceed.

Let me turn very briefly, Madam Speaker, to the allegation of haste raised by Mr Moore. Mr Moore, it was the unanimous agreement of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee on Friday that this procedure be followed. It was agreed by all of the members of the Planning Committee that this was the way in which we could ensure - - -

Mr Moore: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I believe that Mr Lamont should be addressing his comments through the Chair.

MADAM SPEAKER: I think Mr Lamont is well aware of that standing order.

MR LAMONT: I thank Mr Moore for drawing that standing order to my attention. It is appropriate that I address my comments to you, for, indeed, nothing that I say or that anybody else says will have any impact on the position that Mr Moore adopts. Unfortunately, as I have said, that now appears to be the attitude being taken by Ms Szuty in relation to the West Belconnen variation. That saddens me, because there has been an extremely cooperative arrangement between the members of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee. I do not believe that any one member of that committee can draw attention to any time when information has not been provided, additional information has not been provided, comment has not been found or site inspections have not been arranged. Every single question raised by members of the committee has been answered through the secretary, Rod Power, or officers of the Planning Authority.

But it does not matter what we do or what is said. There is a closed position. Areas B and C, as far as Ms Szuty and Mr Moore are concerned, should not be allowed to proceed.

Mr Moore: What is the rush?

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