Page 3534 - Week 13 - Thursday, 26 November 1992

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MR LAMONT: That is very simply the fact. We find that a number of statements have been made in the international media which quite clearly indicate that it is intended that for the next two to three terms the Commonwealth Games will go to developing nations. That is simply the fact. There has also been quite direct evidence in discussions of both a local and national nature which is quite clearly destined to prove me right in suggesting that a Commonwealth Games bid would be futile in the ACT. The efforts are being expended by the people opposite to pursue a pot of - - -

Ms Ellis: The person opposite.

MR LAMONT: - - - the person opposite to pursue a pot of fool's gold and not to get in and play the main game. It is time the Liberals stopped trying to make absurd political gain over the issue of the Commonwealth Games. The Commonwealth Games is something we could have a closer look at, but to pursue that in lieu of support for the Olympic 2000 bid is pursuing a fool's pot of gold. In addition, it should also be stated that talking up the Commonwealth Games may have a negative impact on Sydney's chances for the Olympics. We need a national approach to the Sydney bid, and it is about time the people opposite got behind it and supported it.

There have been a number of interjections saying "Not so", "This is not going to happen", "We are not going to go this way". The runs are on the board. When the Melbourne bid was put in for the Olympic Games, it was pooh-poohed by these people. It was ridiculed by these people and Jeff Kennett.

Mr De Domenico: No, it wasn't.

MR LAMONT: It was, and it is on the public record that they did so. What we now find, I suggest, is that Mr Kennett, and probably these people opposite, would like to see it in Victoria. They have changed their tune. You cannot trust them. You cannot trust what they are saying to us in relation to the Commonwealth Games or the Olympic Games or anything else. I need not remind you, Mr Deputy Speaker, that as recorded on page 84 of the proof copy of Hansard one of the members opposite said "Well, I'm honest now that I'm out of government", and then went on to say, "I hope that was not on the record". This is typical of the attitude these people are adopting in relation to issues such as this.

The matter of public importance is quite clear. Every Canberran has the opportunity, with the World Cup soccer game here later this year, to show the representatives of the IOC that we are supportive of the Sydney 2000 bid by attending that international standard soccer game. Those officials will be in attendance, and I believe that our support is crucial to the success of our bid for the Sydney 2000 Games. What will happen as far as the economy of the ACT is concerned will be significant. As I have said, the Government has offered a range of facilities, in the ACT, in addition to those that are supported by governments, such as the AIS, and support has been given by organisations such as the Building Owners and Managers Association.

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