Page 3508 - Week 13 - Thursday, 26 November 1992

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Please think carefully. It is now almost 3 years since I went through my terrifying ordeal, and I'm still not over the mental scars. If I'd have been infected, I would be seriously ill and my darling Mark and Billie Dee would be dead or dying.

It was with great reluctance that I told my story, but a Journalist had tracked down some rumours and I feel I was left with no choice. As decision-makers, you DO have a choice and should you decide to rely on (sadly) fairy-tale virtues like honesty, integrity, and truth in every case, you must be prepared to live with the fact that many people ... mainly women and maybe babies, will be at risk of dying slowly and not even knowing about it, let alone if those widows find happiness in a relationship after their infected spouse's death and pass the virus on ... and on ... and on.

Mr Berry accused Kate Carnell, in her courageous stand, of frightening a few women. Let me tell you that there are many more than a few women that are frightened. They have good reason, because in this Assembly the Minister for Health could better be called, if he pursues this avenue, the Minister for death.

MRS GRASSBY (11.50): Let us look at the situation in the ACT with these amended regulations, Madam Speaker. Coded data only is required on notification to the Medical Officer of Health. Privacy is protected. The name of the treating doctor is provided to the Medical Officer of Health. This is important for a number of reasons. It provides the opportunity for the Medical Officer of Health to follow up cases if necessary. It creates the link between the treating doctor and the health authority charged with maintaining public health standards.

It should be noted here that notification of sexually transmitted diseases in the ACT has been, at least since the 1950s, in coded form. Information provided in the notification form - it should be noted that it is irrelevant whether it is coded or not - provided to the Medical Officer of Health does not indicate the current behaviour of the person - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Grassby, I have to interrupt now because that is the end of Assembly business today.

Motion (by Mr Berry) agreed to, with the concurrence of an absolute majority:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent consideration of notice No. 1, Assembly business, having precedence of executive business this day.

MRS GRASSBY: The notification form provided to the Medical Officer of Health does not indicate the current behaviour of the person, nor does it indicate any action being taken to assist the infected person to behave in a responsible manner. In fact, this situation applies to a whole range of notifications of communicable diseases, like TB and hepatitis. It is the treating doctor who is privy to the information and who will work with the person to ensure that the appropriate measures to protect the public's health are taken, including information being provided to partners.

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