Page 3505 - Week 13 - Thursday, 26 November 1992

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Madam Speaker, it makes about as much sense as saying that there should be compulsory notification of adultery, because any person who chooses to go out and have sexual relations with any other person, whether they be of the same or different sex, is putting their partner at risk of HIV. That is the reality.

Mrs Carnell: We have had compulsory notification since 1986.

MR CONNOLLY: No; you are talking about compulsory partner notification. You are saying that partners must be told if their partners have AIDS. That is what you say; that they must be told. That is directly contrary to the report which says that it should be voluntary. You say that the partner must be told.

Mrs Carnell: If all else fails. That is what it says.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please! Mr Connolly has the floor.

MR CONNOLLY: This does not say that. This leaves a discretion with the medical adviser to do that. There is no element of compulsion. It would be a nonsense to have compulsion. It would make as much sense as compulsory notification of adultery. It is the same issue. Any person who has sex with anyone outside of a stable relationship is putting their partner at risk. What you are saying, picking up trashy news magazines, is highly irresponsible. You then went on to be even more irresponsible, because you could not resist - as I say, getting down into that sewer - picking up Bruce Shepherd's point and raising fear of homosexuality, raising homophobia, raising - - -

Mrs Carnell: Not only Bruce Shepherd's point.

MR CONNOLLY: You said that there are recommendations in this report which no-one could agree with.

Mrs Carnell: I did not say no-one.

MR CONNOLLY: For example, the issue of the age of consent for homosexual sexual relationships being the same as for heterosexual relationships.

Mrs Carnell: I said that many would not agree.

MR CONNOLLY: That was a - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please! The Minister will address his remarks to the Chair and Mrs Carnell will desist from interrupting him.

Mrs Carnell: Well, he - - -

MADAM SPEAKER: You will desist from interrupting, or I will name you. I am warning you. We will have order today, please. Mr Connolly, address your remarks to the Chair.

MR CONNOLLY: That was a cheap approach at homophobia. Interestingly, Madam Speaker, there is one government in Australia which has just put out a discussion paper suggesting that it will change the age of consent for homosexual relationships to make it the same as for heterosexual relationships - the Liberal Government in the Northern Territory. In the ACT, in fact, it is the same age, homosexual and heterosexual, as it is in Victoria; as it is in a number of other States.

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