Page 3479 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 25 November 1992

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Proposed expenditure - Division 130 - Administration of Justice, $9,880,200 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 140 - Maintenance of Law and Order, $53,044,500 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 150 - Housing and Community Services, $91,065,600 - agreed to.

Department of Urban Services

Proposed expenditure - Division 160 - Public Transport, $65,983,300 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 170 - City Services, $90,681,900 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 180 - Fire and Emergency Services, $11,306,200 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 190 - Government Corporate Services, $55,956,300 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 200 - Public Works and Services, $166,749,500 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 210 - Corporate Development for the Department of Urban Services, $2,866,300 - agreed to.

Department of Education and Training

Proposed expenditure - Division 220 - Technical and Further Education, $47,233,600 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 230 - Government Schooling, $188,345,000

MR WOOD (Minister for Education and Training, Minister for the Arts and Minister for the Environment, Land and Planning) (5.14): I will be brief, but I will be as persistent as Ms Szuty has been on the question raised in the Estimates Committee report on the size of schools. In three brief sentences the Estimates Committee report suggested quite clearly that there was a problem with large school size. I said then that that was no way to proceed in a committee report - to go on and make recommendations, in this case quite substantial recommendations, on an unfounded basis - and I want to repeat that point. I have not gone back to check exactly what I said at the time, but it is my clear memory that I said that I do not think this needs to be or ought to be referred to the Social Policy Committee; rather, that if someone had a worry about it, then it might be referred to the Social Policy Committee. I want to put that on the record.

Proposed expenditure agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 240 - Non-Government Schooling, $56,274,700 - agreed to.

Proposed expenditure - Division 250 - Higher Education and Training, $1,877,900 - agreed to.

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