Page 3469 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 25 November 1992

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The Estimates Committee's recommendation concerning the operations of the Adoption Unit bear repeating. I quote it:

A review be undertaken ... of the Adoption Unit to assess where efficiencies can be gained in its operations with a view to increasing the speed with which adoption applications and approvals can be processed; and the Assembly be advised of the results of the review.

Mr Connolly said in his speech to the Estimates Committee report last week that he believed a review to be unnecessary and that the introduction of the provisions of the Adoption Bill will place even greater demands on the Adoption Unit. If this will indeed be the case, then is it not, in fact, extremely timely that a review of the operations of the Adoption Unit is being called for? A review will enable the Minister to comprehensively assess the functions of the Adoption Unit, bearing in mind the Committee's view on increasing the speed with which adoption applications and approvals can be processed.

The Government is correct in pointing out that consideration of travel undertaken by the Speaker and her personal staff is a matter for the consideration of the Speaker and the Assembly in the first instance, and that if the Assembly so determines the issue could then be considered by the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedures.

I welcome an internal review of the processes involved in the construction of the special care units at the Belconnen Remand Centre. The Government has noted that medical practitioners have been notified of the changes to regulations regarding the notification of AIDS in all its stages. While I do not wish to pre-empt further debate on this issue, which will occur on Mrs Carnell's motion for disallowance, I would like to ask the Minister at what time medical practitioners were so informed.

I am pleased to see that the Government sought further advice from the ACT Government Solicitor's Office about its proposal for the dispensing of methadone from community health centres. The Government has provided a comprehensive response to the Estimates Committee's recommendations regarding postnatal depression, and I welcome the research and evaluation which is currently being conducted. (Extension of time granted)

I am disappointed at this stage in the Government's response to the recommendations concerning primary school size. I note, however, that the Minister, Mr Wood, has suggested that the Social Policy Committee examine the issue further, which I am sure my fellow colleagues will be only too happy to do in the new year, as I will.

Madam Speaker, in summary, I believe that on the whole the Government has responded fairly to the recommendations of the Estimates Committee and I look forward to the further information that has been promised to the Assembly over the next six months or so. I would also urge the Government to carefully examine my responses to its comments where I have found the Government's response wanting in some respects.

Before I conclude, Madam Speaker, I would like to take issue with one statement that the Chief Minister made in her ministerial statement, which was, "I refute categorically any suggestion that any Minister was unhelpful in this process", and I recall an interjection I heard in this chamber yesterday to the

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