Page 3439 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 25 November 1992

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MR HUMPHRIES: I have a supplementary question, Madam Speaker. The Minister suggested that I have been selectively quoting from these figures, I think, or alternatively, that these figures show only a steady increase in crime. I ask the Minister: Does assault occasioning actual bodily harm rising by 28 per cent constitute a steady increase? Does a rise in motor vehicle theft of 13.7 per cent constitute a steady increase? Does shop stealing being up 22.3 per cent constitute a steady increase, or does fraud and misappropriation being up 100.2 per cent constitute a steady increase; or am I again quoting selectively from the figures released by the AFP yesterday?

MR CONNOLLY: Yes, you are quoting selectively because you did not quote, for example, the rate of assault causing grievous bodily harm, the most serious assault, which is down to 31 from 34 - down about 10 per cent. These figures do vary. You are always quoting. You are quoting this year to last year. If you look at this year to last year to the year before, we tend to see trends that even it out. The sexual assault rates increased by 13 over two years, which is, in fact, just over 10 per cent over two years; so you do have to look at these figures over time. We never deny that there is a problem, but we would say that picking the greatest increase and beating the drum is politicking.

Healthy Cities Program

MS SZUTY: Madam Speaker, my question without notice is to the Minister for Health, Mr Berry. I have twice before asked the Minister for Health what measures were being taken to fund the activities of the healthy cities program. In August, two months after the funding for the program ran out, the Minister stated that he was looking at the issue, but that health promotion funds would not be available. In September the Minister said that he was pursuing avenues for alternative funding for the healthy cities program. Can the Minister inform the Assembly as to what funding alternatives have been made available to the healthy cities program, or has the Government given up on this worthwhile project?

Mrs Carnell: He is still pursuing it.

Mr Humphries: He is still pursuing it, yes.

MR BERRY: I did not hear, Madam Speaker, that Mr Humphries or Mrs Carnell was asked that question; it was directed to me. As I said to you earlier, through you, Madam Speaker, the appropriate source of funding certainly was not, in my view, within that area of funding which is available from the Health Promotion Fund. We made that clear to the healthy cities people, and I stand by that position. I said that we were exploring alternative arrangements for funding. My last advice on the subject indicated that it is still a matter which is under consideration and there has not been a source discovered at this point which would fund the healthy cities organisation. We are not a never ending source of money for all organisations.

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