Page 3429 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 25 November 1992

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We must look at - and to some extent this is encapsulated in Mr Moore's motion - what we do with the Acton Peninsula site. There is a quite unequivocal statement from the Labor Party as to what public health facilities should be provided on this site. That policy was determined by listening to people such as Regina Slazenger, to people in the medical profession and our own party and the advice that it was providing to government. The reason why we have some objection to the way in which Mr Moore has put the issue, for fairly cute political points - - -

Mr Moore: Would I do something like that?

MR LAMONT: It is something that you cannot always be accused of, but on this occasion you certainly can be. Mr Moore is suggesting exclusivity in the wording of his motion. That causes considerable concern. I want to go through a number of the issues. Mr Kaine said, "Yes, there should be a range of health facilities on this site". Then Mrs Carnell got up and knocked over every single thing that had been suggested.

Mrs Carnell: Not every one of them.

MR LAMONT: I am sorry. There were two that she did not. One was probably a pharmacy.

Mrs Carnell: No, it is not on the list.

MR LAMONT: Was a pharmacy knocked off?

Mr Moore: No, it was not knocked off, so that is one possibility.

Mr Kaine: Perhaps you should have listened to what Mrs Carnell said. Then you might be able to quote her.

Mrs Carnell: I did not knock them off. I said that they had to be part of residential development.

MR LAMONT: Mrs Carnell would probably like to see a pharmacy down there and, I suppose, a dentist. Was the dentist knocked off?

Mr Moore: The dentist was the other one. No, she did not knock off the dentist.

MR LAMONT: The dentist was the other one that was not knocked off. From the gist of what she was saying, they are about the only two health related facilities that she would like to see back on the site. Let us go through a number of the other issues. Let us have a look at Sylvia Curley House. Mrs Carnell's lovely statement was, "Let us sell it". To whom?

Mrs Carnell: The ANU.

MR LAMONT: Sell it to the ANU. What do we do with Sylvia Curley House?

Mrs Carnell: Sell it to the ANU.

MR LAMONT: Let me finish. I mean in relation to Mr Moore's proposition about the exclusivity of health related facilities. What do we do with it? Under what Mr Moore has included exclusively in his resolution, Sylvia Curley House would be mothballed. It would never be used again. You are not going to put a hospice in it. You are not going to put the Queen Elizabeth II home for mothers and babies in it. You are not going to put the clinical medical school in it.

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