Page 3390 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 24 November 1992

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Mr Stevenson: I take a point of order, Madam Speaker, under standing order 46.

MADAM SPEAKER: There is still a question before the Assembly. Wait until all the questions are finished.

Question put:

That this Bill, as amended, be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 15  NOES, 1 

Mr Berry Mr Stevenson
Mr Connolly
Mr Cornwell
Mr De Domenico
Ms Ellis
Ms Follett
Mrs Grassby
Mr Humphries
Mr Kaine
Mr Lamont
Ms McRae
Mr Moore
Ms Szuty
Mr Westende
Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

MADAM SPEAKER: Now, Mr Stevenson, you will need my leave for this, so you may seek it.

MR STEVENSON: Madam Speaker, I seek leave to make a correction.

MADAM SPEAKER: You may explain matters of a personal nature. You may not debate my ruling.

MR STEVENSON: Indeed. It is unfortunately incorrect to suggest that I do not support referendums. I absolutely support referendums when people get a choice.

Mr Connolly: When it suits you. When people agree with you.

MADAM SPEAKER: There will be no debate, Mr Stevenson; just a personal explanation. All right?

MR STEVENSON: Yes. As I was stating, when people get a choice. To suggest, as Mr Connolly just did, that it is when it suits me, is not correct. The situation is that the AEC did not agree with this particular point either, and the majority of people in Canberra did not. When a referendum is held, it should be held fairly, it should be held justly and it should ask the questions that need to be asked. To not do that and to claim that I am against that is a misrepresentation.

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