Page 3385 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 24 November 1992

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I think, Madam Speaker, that it is a reasonable provision. I might point out that it is a provision picked up from, I think, the Victorian Act again, or other legislation as well, which provides for mandatory cooperation in the preparation of electoral rolls.

Proposed new clause agreed to.

Remainder of Bill, by leave, taken as a whole

MR HUMPHRIES (9.46), by leave: I move:

Page 1, line 1, after the long title insert the following preamble:


1.  On 15 February 1992 a referendum was held to enable the electors of the Territory to choose which of 2 voting systems is to be used at future elections for the Legislative Assembly.

2.  The electors chose the proportional representation (Hare-Clark) system as outlined in the Referendum Options Description Sheet set out in Schedule 3 to the Australian Capital Territory (Electoral) Act 1988 of the Commonwealth.

3.  The electoral system chosen by the electors includes the system of rotation of the positions of candidates' names on ballot papers known as the Robson Rotation.

4.  The Legislative Assembly wishes to enact legislation to implement the electoral system chosen by the electors as soon as it is convenient to do so.

5.  To facilitate the implementation of that electoral system, the Legislative Assembly wishes to enact legislation to establish the offices and procedures necessary to enable the Territory to be divided into electorates.".

Page 1, line 1, after "Territory" insert "therefore".

The second amendment is merely consequential to our earlier amendments, but the first one is more significant. It provides, Madam Speaker, for a preamble to the Electoral Act. We have not often used preambles in ACT legislation. There is one Bill I can think of to do with banking, some time ago, where we might have done so. I think Ms Follett moved it. This is the only other occasion I can think of where we have done this.

The idea is to put in place clearly, for the benefit of those who read the legislation, the context of our action. This is not merely an isolated piece of legislation which will put in place some particular reform simpliciter. This is the first of two steps. This sets in place the drawing of boundaries and it will be followed afterwards by the process of putting in place the Hare-Clark voting and counting system. That is why we have done it in this particular fashion and I think it is important for us to refer to that in the preamble.

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