Page 3383 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 24 November 1992

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Clause 33

MR HUMPHRIES (9.39): I move:

Subclause 33(8), page 10, line 29, after "thinks fit" insert ", including the opening of its meetings to members of the public".

This amendment basically amends subclause 33(8) to make it clear that the Redistribution Committee has the power to inform itself in such manner as it thinks fit, and that includes the opening of meetings to members of the public. It is a small point, but in the later stage where the augmented commission is considering the recommendations, as it were, of the Redistribution Committee, there is specific provision for meetings to be open to the public, for public hearings to take place and for other methods of consultation to occur. It concerned us to some extent that there was no reference to those specifically open forms of consultation at this point - that is, at the early stage of the process of drawing boundaries - and we felt that it was important to add some words which made that clear. Hence the words, "including the opening of its meetings to members of the public" are added, as a matter of excessive caution, perhaps - nonetheless, it is important - at the end of that subclause.

Amendment agreed to.

MR HUMPHRIES (9.40): I move:

Subclause 33(9), page 10, line 30, before "Commission" insert "Electoral".

I am not sure why I am moving that separately, but I move it anyway.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 34

MR HUMPHRIES (9.41), by leave: I move:

Page 11, line 8, after subclause (2) insert the following subclause:

  "(2A) A notice referred to in subsection (1) or (2) shall specify each place at which the suggestions may be perused by members of the public.".

Subclause 34(3), page 11, line 11, omit "the office of the Commission", substitute "each place specified in the notices referred to in subsections (1) and (2)".

My amendments simply provide that certain notices can be issued not merely at the office of the commission but also at such other places as the commission might determine. This is simply to cover the situation where the commission is housed on the sixth floor of an office building and therefore, under this provision, unamended, members of the public would be required to travel up to the sixth floor of this office building to find the office of the commission to peruse certain documents that might be available there. This, instead, provides that they might do so at a more convenient place such as a shopfront or somewhere of that kind.

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