Page 3375 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 24 November 1992

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MR HUMPHRIES (9.15): I indicate that the Opposition also supports Mr Moore's amendment, for the reasons I outlined before. It provides for that fall-back in the event that the consultation process that we have already talked about does not work. It does make, I think, any government that might choose to put forward an obviously political appointment very wary of what might occur on the floor of the Assembly - even if it were a majority government; even if it were a government that felt inclined to unashamedly tamper with the process. It would feel uncomfortable having to justify that process on the floor of the Assembly, and that is why we support this amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 16

MR HUMPHRIES (9.16): Madam Speaker, I seek leave to move my amendments Nos 12, 13 and 14 together.

Leave granted.

MR HUMPHRIES: Thank you, members. Madam Speaker, I move:

Subclause 16(1), page 4, line 31, omit "terminate the appointment of a member", substitute "suspend a member from duty".

Clause 16, page 4, line 32, after subclause (1) insert the following subclauses:

  "(1A) On the first sitting day after the day on which a member is suspended, the Chief Minister shall present a statement of the reasons for the suspension to the Legislative Assembly.

  "(1B) If, within 7 sitting days after a statement is presented in accordance with subsection (1A), the Legislative Assembly passes a resolution requiring the Executive to terminate the appointment of the member to whom the statement relates, the Executive shall terminate the appointment of that member.

"(1C) If -

(a) the Chief Minister does not present a statement in accordance with subsection (1A); or

(b) the Legislative Assembly does not pass a resolution in accordance with subsection (1B);

the member who is suspended shall resume his or her duties.

  "(1D) A member who is suspended from duty is entitled to be paid remuneration and allowances as a member during the suspension.".

Paragraph 16(2)(a), page 5, line 2, before "Commission" insert "Electoral".

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