Page 3316 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 24 November 1992

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Mr Humphries: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I ask for your ruling on this matter. Clearly, Mr Berry did more than just pass the question over; he provided an answer of sorts to what Mr Cornwell was asking - certainly as much of an answer as we ever get from Mr Berry. We now have an answer coming from Mr Connolly. Are you saying that this is in order under the standing orders or not?

Mr Kaine: For two Ministers to answer the same question? They will pass it around all four of them and they can all have it, and none of them will do any better than Mr Berry.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Kaine. The standing order that relates specifically to the question says:

Questions may be put to a Minister relating to public affairs with which that Minister is officially connected, to proceedings pending in the Assembly or to any matter of administration for which that Minister is responsible.

Mr Humphries: A Minister.

MADAM SPEAKER: Right, a Minister.

Mr Kaine: That question was put to a Minister and he did not answer it.

MADAM SPEAKER: Excuse me! My memory of House of Representatives Practice is - we have had this situation before - that a Minister may then choose to not answer that question and to refer that question to another Minister. In that case I think that it is in order for Mr Connolly now to proceed to answer the question.

Mr Kaine: Madam Speaker, I would like to take a point of order on this issue, too.

MADAM SPEAKER: Yes, of course, Mr Kaine.

Mr Kaine: If Mr Berry had merely passed the question to Mr Connolly, your explanation would have fitted the case. But that is not what he did; he first of all answered the question. I do not believe that it is in the spirit of parliamentary procedure anywhere for two - - -

Mr Connolly: Now he has given too much information.

Mr Kaine: I do not intend to enter into a debate with Mr Connolly.

MADAM SPEAKER: Please do not.

Mr Kaine: I do not expect, either, to have to hear him answer a question when the Minister to whom it was addressed has already given a Mickey Mouse answer to it. We might as well pass it around and let the other two Ministers have a go as well, if that is the procedure.

MADAM SPEAKER: If you feel that the answer has been given, I will uphold that point of order, and we will go on to the next question.

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