Page 3269 - Week 12 - Thursday, 19 November 1992

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Mrs Carnell: You only have to read one line.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please, Mrs Carnell! Mr Berry is answering the question.

MR BERRY: If Mrs Carnell wants to talk about the figures, the Assembly has not been misled. Do not go on with that rubbish. It has not been misled at all. What we have said over and over again is that we are prepared to provide the figures for Health, and you can do what you like with them; but those figures were provided in 1991 and - - -

Mrs Carnell: That is right; at this time last year.

Mr Kaine: And they do not confirm what you said yesterday.

Mrs Carnell: But they are not a little bit different.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, please!

MR BERRY: I do not have them in front of me. What I am saying to you is that we have provided a quarterly report. I said yesterday where we stood at this time of the year. I have said that activity levels increase traditionally at this time of the year. That is true.

Mr Kaine: You said every year.

MR BERRY: No, no; I did not. I did not say every year. I said that as far as we could measure it happened last year, and I said that we are a little higher than that this year. But there is a traditional upswing. I have agreed to provide the figures in relation to the performance report of Health in the form that has been requested by Mrs Carnell. That will be provided for the next - - -

Mr Kaine: You were just mistaken yesterday, were you, Minister?

MR BERRY: No, no. I will have a look at the figures. I will provide any additional response that needs to be made, but I think this is a lot of froth and bubble about - - -

Mr Kaine: It is not froth and bubble. You made an incorrect statement yesterday.

Mrs Carnell: It is a 5 per cent difference.

Mr De Domenico: Yes, a 5 per cent difference. Either the figures are wrong or your answer was wrong.

MR BERRY: Who is asking the questions?

Mr Kaine: All of us.

Mr De Domenico: All of us. We all want to know.

MR BERRY: Why do you not all stand up and ask - and chorus like a flock of galahs?

Mr Kaine: You are not doing well answering any one of us.

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