Page 3254 - Week 12 - Thursday, 19 November 1992

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Detail Stage

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (11.24): Madam Speaker, I move:

Schedule (Schedule 2 to the draft Bill for a Commonwealth Act), page 22, line 8, after item 13, add the following items:

"14. Business Franchise ("X" Videos) Act 1990 of the Australian Capital Territory.

15. Classification of Publications Ordinance 1983 of the Australian Capital Territory.

16. Crimes Act 1900 of the Australian Capital Territory, section 92NB.

17. Film Classification Act 1971 of the Australian Capital Territory.

18. Publications Control Act 1989 of the Australian Capital Territory.

19. Film and Video Tape Classification Act 1984 of New South Wales.

20. Indecent Articles and Classified Publications Act 1975 of New South Wales.

21. Classification of Publications and Films Act of the Northern Territory.

22. Classification of Films Act 1991 of Queensland.

23. Classification of Publications Act 1991 of Queensland.

24. Classification of Films for Public Exhibition Act, 1971 of South Australia and regulations under that Act.

25. Classification of Publications Act, 1974 of South Australia and regulations under that Act.

26. Summary Offences Act, 1953 of South Australia, section 33 and section 35.

27. Classification of Publications Act 1984 of Tasmania.

28. Classification of Films and Publications Act 1990 of Victoria.

29. Censorship of Films Act 1947 of Western Australia.

30. Indecent Publications and Articles Act 1902 of Western Australia.

31. Video Tapes Classification and Control Act 1987 of Western Australia.".

I present the supplementary explanatory memorandum to the Bill. At the time of signing the intergovernmental agreement on mutual recognition in May of this year, it was the clear intention of heads of government that mutual recognition should not become the vehicle for free trade in pornographic material. Hence, the inclusion of such material in Schedule 1 of the Mutual Recognition Bill, providing for the permanent exemption of certain goods. In agreeing to this exemption, heads of government also decided to seek advice from the conference of censorship Ministers on the impact of mutual recognition on the different classification schemes applying to films, video tapes and publications in each State and Territory.

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