Page 3208 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 18 November 1992

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Those projects vary from new buildings to refurbishment to landscape and urban design, and range from larger commercial projects to projects of residential scale. Local examples of their work include renovation of the Merici College library, a residence in Forrest, a small office interior design fit-out, and buildings for Nursing Science and the Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering at the University of Canberra.

John Hindmarsh (ACT) Pty Ltd has been appointed as the project manager for the project. This firm is a well-known, locally based firm, having been established in the ACT by its principal, Mr John Hindmarsh, in 1979. The selection of the architect and project manager for the project was undertaken through the established selection procedures of the ACT Public Works and Services Group of my department.

Madam Speaker, the South Building of Civic offices was completed in its current form in 1964 and the building must be refurbished to enable its continued use. During 1991-92 the North Building was refurbished and has now been reoccupied by the ACT Government Service. The success of this refurbishment and the standard of the accommodation achieved demonstrate the ability of these buildings to be used well into the future. The refurbishment of the South Building for the Assembly will allow us to vacate the leased building we now occupy, at an annual saving of some $2m in rent.

The South Building has a long association with self-government in the ACT. Members will recall that the ACT Advisory Council was housed in the building from the mid-1960s and the ACT House of Assembly, of which some members present were members, was accommodated there from 1974.

Mr Kaine: It was the Legislative Assembly in 1974.

MR CONNOLLY: The Department of Urban Services seems to think otherwise; but I will defer to your expertise there, Mr Kaine.

Mr Cornwell: Yes, there was a change.

MR CONNOLLY: Yes, there was a change. I think it started as one and finished as the other. The Civic Square is an important civic space for the ACT community and this Government has taken several recent initiatives to introduce activity which will provide a community focus for the square. The refurbishment of North Building included the addition of a ground floor restaurant to the square, and the location of customer oriented services, including the Business Services Centre, the Rental Bond Board and the Women's Information and Referral Centre. Minor landscape and access works are currently being undertaken to improve the amenity of the square and to upgrade pedestrian access to this improved pedestrian precinct.

The location of the Assembly in South Building, combined with the North Building and the Canberra Theatre Centre, will contribute to making this important urban space a greater focus for the ACT community into the future. Madam Speaker, I believe that the establishment of the Assembly in the South Building offers many opportunities for the ACT community to develop further its own individual identity and character. It is my hope that all members will play their part in ensuring that the new Assembly building is worthy of the community it will serve.

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