Page 3180 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 18 November 1992

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Clause 2

MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (11.59): Madam Speaker, I seek leave to move amendments 2, 3 and 4 circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.


Page 1, subclause (1), insert the following definitions in their respective appropriate alphabetical positions:

"'medical examination' includes the taking of a sample of tissue, blood, urine or other bodily material for medical testing;

'operator' in relation to a brothel or escort agency, includes the owner and the person in day-to-day control of the brothel or escort agency;

'premises used by one prostitute' means premises used by not more than one prostitute other than -

(a) premises adjacent to or, in the case of town houses, units or apartments, in the same block as, other premises that are used for prostitution;

(b) premises the provision of commercial sexual services at which is arranged by a person (other than the prostitute) who arranges clients for other prostitutes; or

(c) premises to which clients are referred by other prostitutes, or from which clients are referred to other prostitutes;

'sexual services' means -

(a) an act of sexual intercourse as defined in section 92 of the Crimes Act 1900;

(b) the masturbation of one person by another; or

(c) any activity which involves the use of one person by another for his or her sexual gratification;".

Page 1, subclause (1), line 8, definition of "brothel", omit the definition, substitute the following definition:

"'brothel' means premises used or to be used for the purpose of prostitution, but does not include premises at which accommodation is normally provided on a commercial basis if the prostitution occurs pursuant to an arrangement initiated elsewhere;".

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