Page 3173 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 18 November 1992

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Our major concern is that such laws normalise prostitution - sending a clear message to our children that society considers it normal and reasonable to sell your body for money - and that risking AIDS and other STD's and battery by strangers for financial gain is a legitimate profession for school-leavers, women re-entering the workforce, migrants, ethnic minorities and retirees seeking to augment meagre incomes. This is no way for the ACT Labor Party to reduce their abysmal jobless statistics! An opportunity to prostitute oneself is a 'Position Vacant' that no Australian should be forced to consider!

They go on to say that neither the police, the families of the ACT, the brothel owners nor the unemployed have called for this legislation. They continue:

The Bill, as proposed, will do little for order in our society, but will further weaken the family. We need representatives of the community in power who reflect the will of the community - and have the best interests of our families and children at heart.

I believe that this Assembly has fallen into the trap of following the course set by the discredited Dr Kinsey in reforming Western sexuality: a new era built upon sex science fraud! According to Dr Judith Reisman, Child Protection Advocate and The Director of Media Education, Arlington USA, who, when speaking in Canberra on Thursday 11 November 1992, said that 'Kinsey's view of human sexuality is spun off to reflect all pornographic media: these include a condemnation of virginity, a procedural manual for rape, an attack upon marriage, hatred of females, especially wives, and the promotion of the idea that children were viable sex objects for adults. This mechanistic component-like treatment of 'outlet sexuality' and promotion of masturbation instead of human love in relationships was the Kinsey standard and has since expanded and spun off so that today, acceptance of prostitution and the open display of pornography is only one aspect of the influence of the massive, growing, parasitical organism known today, by sexologists as the International Pornography Cartel.'.

I should add that Dr Judith Reisman conducts extensive in-service training for the FBI academy in America, has been a consultant for both the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Education and has been successfully called as an expert witness in several Supreme Court cases in the US involving pornography and its link to criminal activity. Let me read from the document of Workers in Sex Employment in the ACT:

Law reform that has taken place in other states has left sex workers and the industry itself in a worse situation. The industry has been further marginalised and in most cases, resulted in more illegal behaviour.

Victoria is a clear example where there has been a large increase in street prostitution and illegal parlours. Adelaide, Darwin and Melbourne have recently seen the number of pimps multiply in the guise of escort agencies and on the street. The illegal side, which is the majority, is not regulated or controlled.

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