Page 3133 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 November 1992

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Milk Authority of the ACT

1. Present Members

Mr M G Sinclair Chairperson 28/10/91 to 25/10/92 Mr A Luchetti 28/10/91 to 25/10/92 Ms L Fulton 28/10/91 to 25/10/92 Ms Jean Chambers 25/10/S9 to 25/10/92

2. Terms of Reference

Engage in, regulate and control the supply, sale and distribution of milk in the Territory. Regulation includes the regulation of prices at which milk may be sold or the -charges that may be.made in connection With the sale of milk:

3. Term and Power of Appointment

A member holds office for a period of 3 years, and is eligible for re-appointment.

4. Gender Breakdown

2 Males - 2 Females .. . . .

S. Remuneration Mechanism

Chairperson - Specified Office - Rate of fee per annum - $9,821 (from 15.8:91) Remuneration Tribunal det No 26 of 1991 refers

Member -Specified Office - Rate .per annum - $6,624 (from 15.8.91) - Remuneration

Tribunal det No 26 of 1991 refers.

Travel Allowance (for Chairperson and Members) -Sydney - $230; Capital- Cities -

$190; Other than Capital Cities - $145 - .

6. Public Servants


7. Publications

Annual Report which is distributed to ACT Legislative Assembly, members, Federal Government, Government Bureaus, Industry bodies, Industry associates, business associates, for promotional purposes arid other interested parties on requests. The cost tot 1990/91 was $953.


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