Page 3131 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 November 1992

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ACT Electricity and Water Authority -

1. Present Members

DR M A Sargent CEO 2/11/91 to 2/11/96

Mr P M Phillips Chairman 1/7/88 to 31/12/92

Ms V Walsh 1 /11 /88 .to 31 /10/93

Dr H D W Sadler 28110/91 to 30/6/93

Ms P M Burton 10112/91 to. 30/6/93

Ms M P Sheenhan 17/12/1 to 30/6/93

2. Terms of Reference

• to supply electricity and water;

•to promote and manage the use of electricity and water;

• to collect and treat sewage and otherwise to provide and manage sewerage services;

• to produce sewage treatment by-products; and , -

• to do such things in relation to electricity or water or the provision of sewerage

services as are conferred on the Authority by or. under the Electricity and Water

Act or any other law of the Territory. - - .

3. Term and Power of Appointment

An appointed member holds office for a period not exceeding five years but is eligible for reappointment. All seven members are appointed by the Minister. The Minister appoints a member to be Chairperson and another member to be Deputy Chairperson.

4. Gender Breakdown

3 Males - 3 Females

5. Remuneration Mechanism . .

Chairperson - Specified Office - $24,381 (from 15.8.91) - Rate of fee per annum -

Remuneration Tribunal det No 26 of 1991 refers

Deputy Chairperson - Specified Office = $14,617 (from 15.8.91) - Rate of fee per annum -Remuneration Tribunal det No 26 of 1991 refers

Member - Specified Office - $13,075 (from 15.8.91) - Rate of fee per annum -

Remuneration Tribunal det No 26 of 1991 refers

Chief Executive Officer -.Specified Office - $99,005 (from 15.,8.91) - Rate per annum of

Salary - Remuneration Tribunal det No 26 of 1991 refers . -

Travel. Allowance (for Chairperson and Members; -Sydney - $230; Capital Cities $190; Other thanCapital Cities - $145 .

Travel Allowance ( for Chief Executive Officer) - Capital Cities - $300; Other than Capital Cities -$155


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