Page 3070 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 November 1992

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MR CORNWELL (5.09): I would like the presiding member or another member of the committee to elaborate a little further on the draft variations to Wanniassa, section 151, blocks 17 to 21. I asked by interjection, which I appreciate is out of order, Madam Speaker, why these blocks and sections were being redeveloped. I understand from Mr Lamont's comments that the area was previously occupied by Housing Trust properties. I have no argument with the proposed redevelopment to medium density. What I am interested in is why the existing Housing Trust properties are being redeveloped.

Mr Kaine: Have you had a look at them, Greg? If you have a look at them, you will know why.

Mr Lamont: I am happy to answer the question.

MR CORNWELL: Allow me to finish my question. The reason I am asking the question is that Wanniassa is not an established area in terms of redevelopment of Housing Trust properties. Mr Connolly and I frequently discuss it, and it concerns me that we may be looking at redevelopment of properties in relatively new areas. I would like, therefore, to know further details as to why these properties are being redeveloped. If they are in poor condition, I suppose the obvious question is: How did they reach that condition?

MR LAMONT (5.11), in reply: Madam Speaker, the answer is very simple and was given to Mr Cornwell's colleagues on the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee. However, if there is a problem within your party room in not being able to consult on these matters, I am prepared to answer it for the public record. As Mr Cornwell will note from the papers which went out for public comment and which were referred to his party at the time they were published, there is a whole series of reasons given by the Housing Trust and the Planning Authority for this change.

Mr Kaine: You just cannot remember what they were.

MR LAMONT: I can remember what they were, Mr Kaine, as you can; but the question was asked of me and I would appreciate the opportunity of answering it. The blocks we are referring to are in Hanna Street. The situation came about as a result of the belief of the Housing Trust, and the expression by Housing Trust tenants, that the existing dwellings were inappropriate, that they no longer suited the style and type of accommodation that was regarded as being appropriate for Housing Trust tenants to occupy. This is a very simple position which the Government and the Housing Trust have acknowledged, and which, with my compliments, the Housing Trust has quite properly rectified. The paperwork surrounding this variation was referred to your party. It was in the Government Gazette of 28 September. It was in the Canberra Times on 26 September, and it has had extensive public airings. We have had one public submission in support of the proposal and, as I understand it, that came from a nearby resident.

Those basically are the reasons why the Housing Trust, in consultation with the Department of the Environment, Land and Planning, has proceeded down this line. I assure you, Mr Cornwell, that the questioning, and indeed the information provided to the committee, were so significant as to convince even your colleagues of the appropriateness of allowing this variation to go through.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

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