Page 3052 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 November 1992

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I repeat my invitation to members, if they have matters on which they have requested information and have not obtained that information, to approach the Minister. I do not see why they are reluctant to do that. The only conclusion I can draw is that they wish to debate this issue over and over again - not because they want the information for their constituents, but merely to politicise the whole issue and to attempt to pour scorn on the public servants. I heard Mr Cornwell say over and over again that the public servants felt intimidated, that the public servants were this, that and the other. I take the gravest exception to the way in which he debated that matter. It is simply not true.

The public servants are aware of the guidelines that control their behaviour and their official conduct in relation to requests by members who are not government members and members of the Opposition and they abide by those guidelines. I have not had brought to my attention a single instance where the opposite is the case. As I have said, members are free to raise those issues with me or with the relevant Minister, as and when they arise.

Mr Cornwell: Could I ask that the guidelines be tabled, Madam Speaker?

MS FOLLETT: They have been tabled before.

Mr Cornwell: Yes; if you would not mind doing it again, Chief Minister?

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, I will table the guidelines as often and as regularly as members require, on the sole proviso that they read them.

MR HUMPHRIES (4.01): Madam Speaker, I am pleased to join this debate because, once again, we have the Chief Minister telling members of the Assembly how wonderful her Government's performance is in this area and telling members of the public, who I think would be inclined to accept that much of what she says indicates the practice of the Government, when we on this side of the chamber know that it does not.

Mr Berry: You have to get used to the fact that people do not trust Liberals, and for good reason. Look what happened in Victoria.

MR HUMPHRIES: I will come back to that interjection from Mr Berry, because he has put his finger on the point here. It is all about Liberals. It is all about Liberals asking for information, is it not? Liberals do not deserve to be told; that is the message Mr Berry is giving us. I will come back to that.

We will spend about $3.7m in this financial year on maintaining the Assembly, Madam Speaker, as I am sure you are well aware, being the person responsible for that budget. It includes the salaries of members of the Assembly, and particularly the MLA salary allowance simpliciter. We are asked on occasions to justify the expenditure we incur in that capacity from time to time. We play a number of roles as members of this Assembly. We are scrutineers of government legislation and administrative action. We are initiators of our own legislation from time to time. We are monitors of community issues and concerns to the general public, particularly in respect of our committee work.

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