Page 3031 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 November 1992

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Mr Kaine: Because the Assembly required it of you. That is why it is produced.

MR BERRY: Mr Kaine says that it is because the Assembly required that of me. Well, he is wrong again, because that was the last Government. This is a new Government and it has been - - -

Mr Kaine: We will do it again if you keep this up.

MR BERRY: It was voluntarily provided, Mr Kaine. It was volunteered. There was no obligation on the Government to provide information other than what is provided for all other departments and that usually turns up at about estimates time and in the budget papers. Health in the ACT provides more information than any other hospital system that I know of across the country, and I think that is good.

I would also add that under Labor, of course, we have been able to manage our finances, which was something that severely embarrassed Mr Kaine when he was Treasurer because he had to make unapproved payments as a result of the incompetence of his then Health Minister.

Mr Humphries: Relevance, Madam Speaker. We asked a question about the present budget.


MR BERRY: When it comes to unapproved expenditure, Mr Kaine is the expert, because he has made more than anybody else - - -

Mr Kaine: I made no unapproved expenditure, Minister.

MR BERRY: You gave Mr Humphries $6m to cover up unapproved expenditure. I can say - - -

Mr Humphries: That is not true.

Mr Kaine: You came up with $8m last year; so I am in front.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! I think Mr Berry would like to be able to answer the question; so let us have a bit of order, please.

Mr Humphries: I take a point of order, Madam Speaker. The question was quite clear. It was, "What is the size of the present budget blow-out?"; and we have not had an answer to that yet, although he has been five minutes into the question.

MADAM SPEAKER: I will continue to watch the time. Please continue, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: And about five minutes' worth of interjections as well.

Mr Kaine: Well, you deserve them.

MR BERRY: There you go. I deserve some interjections, so may I interject back? No, I do not.

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