Page 3015 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 October 1992

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(5) Both national Codes and other State Codes will be considered, when available, in the development of ACT Codes..

(6) The horse racing industry and the pet shop industry are two important industries in the ACT to be affected by the new legislation. Both are highly.visible to the public and are the subject of increasing community concern. During debate of the Animal Welfare.legislation in the ACT Legislative Assembly, I gave a commitment that a high priority would be given to the development of Codes relating to these industries so that acceptable standards of animal welfare are detailed and available both to the industries and any other interested party:- .

(7) One ASO 6 position and half. of one Veterinary Officer .position are allocated to animal welfare matters.

(8.) The inspectors will be appointed once gazette of.the relevant sections has occurred, which is expected on 1 November 1992.


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