Page 2999 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 October 1992

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Consistent with my Governments Employment and Economic Development Policy

(6 February 1992) the above mentioned businesses utilise the ACTs comparative advantages, such as location, human resources and the public sector in an environmentally sustainable manner.

ED. is but one ACT Government area involved in creating the right environment for business development. MI provides a range of services (training courses, referral and advice, licences, ongoing analysis of the business environment and regional comparative advantage, coordination of consultative fora, marketing campaigns) facilitating the establishment of businesses in the ACT. Other agencies which have a significant role are the Department of Environment, Land and Planning, the ACT Treasury, the Department of Urban Services, the Department of Education and ACT Health. The infrastructure and services provided by these organisations contribute to the total "package of assistance" provided by the ACT Government to existing and potential business operations.

The decision for a business to migrate to the ACT may therefore be influenced by one or several of these agencies, not only the Epp, as well as various external influences.

The MI as part of its day to day activities provides advice and assistance to many bi it Information on those businesses that expand their operations or migrate to -the Tommyrot as a direct result of contact with the MI will not always be passed. on to the It can also take a number of years from the point of initial enquiry before a Udftn will decide to relocate operations to the ACT.

(3) The businesses outlined above are currently active and growing.

(4) The projects outlined above are not a comprehensive list of businesses that established in the ACT between July 1991 and June 1992. The new companies identified however will provide over 1,120 direct jobs and salaries in the private sector in the ACT and associated revenue to the ACT Government. The spin off benefits of additional employment are also substantial.

(5) The cost of the business development activities involved in attracting businesses to the ACT were absorbed within the recurrent budget of the Economic Development Division.


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