Page 2996 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 October 1992

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(8) When patients are transferred from Calvary to Woden Valley Hospital, what are the deciding factors and who makes the decision.

(9) Are there any situations whereby nourished patients are admitted directly to Woden Valley Hospital bypassing Calvary Hospital.

Mr Berry - the answer to Ms Szutys question is as follows:

(1) The Calvary and Woden Valley Hospital Emergency Departments are staffed with doctors and nurses who treat emergencies and are required to follow accepted standards and procedures in emergency medicine.

Standard procedures in emergency treatment are planned to adapt to the resources of the community at any time and are designed to make the most appropriate use of whatever resources are available. Understandably, these vary according to many factors. In terms of standards of emergency care Woden Valley Hospital Emergency Department staff have more ready access to support from sub specialty registrars and specialists; more sophisticated imaging; intensive care and easier patient access to emergency theatres after hours.

(2) Prior to amalgamation, the annual rate of attendance was:

Woden Valley Hospital 37 000 per annum approximately

Royal Canberra Hospital 34 000 per annum approximately

Calvary Hospital 23 000 per annum approximately

In the year since amalgamation the rate of attendance has been:

Woden Valley Hospital 52 000 per annum approximately

Calvary Hospital 35 000 per annum approximately

(3) The rate of attendance is slightly below expectations but the admission rate as a percentage is higher, suggesting that more primary care cases are being treated in the community. The admission rate at Woden Valley Hospital is 24% and at Calvary Hospital 11%n currently.

(4) Patients are admitted on the basis of their medical need and their optimum management, the result of a decision between the patient, the emergency Doctor and the attending Medical Officer.


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