Page 2991 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 October 1992

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(7) A placement is defined by a childs arrival in

Australia for the purpose of adoption.

1989/90 11 Korea, 1 Chile, 1 Sri Lanka, 1 Brazil

4 India

TOTAL: 18 placements

1990/91 2 Korea, 3 Sri Lanka, 3 Philippine,

1 Brazil, 2 Colombia, 2 India, 2 Chile

1 Thailand, 2 Fiji, 1 Taiwan.

TOTAL: 19 placements

1991/92 2 Philippine, 1 India, 1 Sri Lanka,

1 Colombia, 1 Korea

TOTAL: 6 placements

The drop in placements in the overseas program was as a

result of the closure of the overseas lists from February

1390 to February 1991 while a review into overseas adoption

was conducted, and as a result of Koreas closure of its

plan from the beginning of 1989. The Korean program was

re-opened in January 1992 but is restricted to applicants

the adoption of a second Korean child.


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