Page 2989 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 October 1992

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In July 1991 fee for service was introduced and a pool of consultant contract workers employed to handle all overseas adoption assessment and follow up reports as required. A fee for this service is charged, and fees are paid directly to the consultant contract workers.

(2) 1989/90 1 Welfare Officer

1 Administrative Officer

5 Social Workers

1990/91 1 Welfare Officer

1 Administrative Officer

5 Social Workers

1991/92 1 Welfare Officer

6 Social Workers

(Pool of contract workers as required)

(3) The number of workers who hold Social Work

qualifications is as follows:

1989/90 5

1990/91 5

1991/92 6

(4) 1989/90 4 full-time and 3 part-time (3 p/t = 1.5 f/t

equivalent) = 5.5 f/t equivalents

1990/91 3 full-time and 4 part-time (4 p/t = 2 f/t

equivalent) = 5 f/t equivalents

1991/92 2 full-time and 5 part-time (5 p/t = 2 f/t

equivalent) = 4 f/t equivalents

(5) An indication of workload and placements is provided by

the tables below.

CATMGORY 1990/91 1991/92

Assessed/approved/ awaiting placement

Tables included.


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