Page 2965 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 October 1992

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I understand that the cost is about $25 for the full set. I certainly will be seeking additional sets at that cost to use as Christmas gifts this year. They provide a novel way for us to support our own administration. They also provide me with five gifts. I also suggest that they would make an ideal wedding present, Madam Speaker. I could think of nothing better, were I in the position that some of us in this chamber are in, of either recently being engaged or looking at the prospect of being shortly married or married shortly. Tony would be married shortly; the rest of us would be shortly married. You could possibly end up with 17 sets of this, Gary, on your wedding day.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Assembly adjourned at 6.19 pm until Tuesday, 17 November 1992, at 2.30 pm

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