Page 2945 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 October 1992

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MR KAINE: Yes, but not publicly and not in this Assembly. They have always talked about $500,000. Madam Speaker, I assert that my original proposition has not been disproved by anything, despite all the rhetoric from the other side and despite Ms Szuty's implicit faith in the Chief Minister that she always tells the truth. They have not disproved my proposition.

The second element of my case was that the Chief Minister and the Minister said that the other schools would not carry this burden; that the extra money, whatever it was, would come out of the general budget. Now we learn, by the Minister's own words, that it is coming out of the education budget. You cannot have it both ways. If it is coming out of the education budget and no additional provision has been made, the other schools in the system are sharing the burden of reopening these two - QED. It does not need anything further, and nothing that either of these two Ministers has said has disproved that proposition.

Madam Speaker, my general propositions that I put at the beginning of this debate still stand. Neither Minister has rejected them or disproved them; so the case, I believe, has been made. They stand condemned because they have simply been unable to defend the accusations made against them. Madam Speaker, these two Ministers deserve the censure of this parliament.

MS FOLLETT (Chief Minister and Treasurer): Madam Speaker, under standing order 46, I would like to make a personal explanation.

Mr Kaine: We have not voted on the motion yet, Madam Speaker.

MS FOLLETT: I will do it afterwards. That is okay.

Question put:

That the motion (Mr Kaine's) be agreed to.

A vote having been called for and the bells being rung -

Mr Lamont: Madam Speaker, I wish to advise that a pair has been arranged for Mrs Carnell with the Deputy Chief Minister, Mr Berry.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 6  NOES, 9 

Mr Cornwell Mr Connolly
Mr De Domenico Ms Ellis
Mr Humphries Ms Follett
Mr Kaine Mrs Grassby
Mr Stevenson Mr Lamont
Mr Westende Ms McRae
 Mr Moore
 Ms Szuty
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

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