Page 2904 - Week 11 - Thursday, 22 October 1992

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that figure was about $520,000. That is what they estimated as their savings once they had closed those schools, in the face of community opposition, of course. That was a full year effect from the closure of those schools. That was certainly reflected in the answer that I gave to Mrs Nolan at that time.

That figure was later refined as we went on through the budget process, and the final figure, $657,000, was developed in conjunction between Treasury and the Department of Education. It is made up as follows: There was that full year effect of savings of $520,000. There was an allowance made also for wage and salary increases which were due at the time. That was $11,600. There were some additional costs of re-establishment and operating some duplications during 1991-92. Those additional costs were up to $126,000. So, that additional cost, Madam Speaker, reflected not just the cost at Lyons and Cook schools but also costs of duplicate running in other schools. So, there were some outside costs as well. I think that was the matter that was reflected in Mr Wood's interjection at the time that I gave that answer on 21 June last year. I certainly stand by the answer that I gave and, as I say, you do not have to rely on the Canberra Times. Those figures can be checked out in any number of sources that are available to members.

MR KAINE: I ask a supplementary question, Madam Speaker. I take it from your answer, then, that on 21 June 1991, when you answered that question, you understood that the cost of reopening those schools was $500,000 plus $100,000 maintenance.

Mr Wood: At that stage, yes.

MR KAINE: I am not asking you, Minister. I am asking the Chief Minister.

Mr Wood: You were looking at me.

MR KAINE: I addressed the question to the Chief Minister.

MS FOLLETT: Madam Speaker, I repeat what I said on 21 June; that my understanding at that time was that the costs were of the order of half a million dollars. I said that I did not have the precise figures in front of me. I accepted Mr Wood's interjection that there was $100,000 or so of additional cost requirement. Any analysis of the figures since would bear out that that was what the cost was.

Mr Humphries: I raise a point of order, Madam Speaker. I ask the Chief Minister to table the document from which she has read those figures.

MADAM SPEAKER: You will have to move a motion to that effect, Mr Humphries.

Mr Humphries: Is the Chief Minister not prepared to do that?

Mr Berry: I will be moving that Trevor table what he was referring to as well.

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! The standing orders require that you move a motion, Mr Humphries. Please do so.

Mr Humphries: Usually, Madam Speaker, it is done without a motion. If the Chief Minister is reluctant to do that, I am happy to move the motion.

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